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10.2.1 | | TTA SOAP - Indexed Pull

This Twiin Technical Agreement (TTA) describes and specifies technical responsibilities to which parties agree when connecting to exchange transactions to facilitate the Indexed Pull.

The Indexed Pull starts with several transactions required to locate where data is to be retrieved, aswell as the required endpoints where this data can be retrieved.

Sequence diagram

The sequence diagram below visualizes the full flow for the Indexed Pull interaction sequence.

Twiin describes the transaction between the GtK applications, applications behind these GtK applications can communicate with a GtK in any way they want, as long as the GtK uses the transactions as in this diagram

Each section consists of several steps. The steps correspond to the numbers in the sequence diagram.

For all IHE transactions it is required to include a SAML token. This is usually included in the request the XIS (source) sends to a GtK.

As Twiin decribes the transactions between GtK’s, the transaction between a XIS and a GtK can be however the implementators of these applications see fit, as long as the transactions between GtK’s include the SAML token as Twiin decribes it to be.

10.4.5 | IHE ITI-40 | Provide X-User Assertion




Authorisation (Open)


Before initiating the retrieval of the Timeline data, a XIS behind the Initiating GtK sends a request to this GtK.

After this request is recieved the GtK first sends an ‘open’ authorisation request to the Public Service know as ‘MITZ’ | Mitz Transacties - OTV-TR-00020


This request is replied to by MITZ, in this request, the GtK’s where data is available, are given back to the Initiating GtK | Mitz Transacties - OTV-TR-00030



After the GtK ‘knows' where available data can be retrieved, the Initiating GtK then requests the endpoints at the Public Service know as ZORG-AB | ZORG-AB Transacties


ZORG-AB replies to this request with the endpoints | ZORG-AB Transacties

Retrieve Timeline data


Using the endpoints the GtK uses this information to send the query. With this transaction a SAML token is included

10.4.2 | IHE ITI-38 | Cross Gateway Query | ITI-38 examples | ITI-38-request


The responding GtK then checks if the patients permission is in check at MITZ | Mitz Transacties - OTV-TR-00040


A response is sent back | Mitz Transacties - OTV-TR-00050


After the ‘closed authentication’ transaction is done, the Responding GtK retrieves the metadata at the XIS(es) connected with the Responding Gtk and sends this back to the Initiating Gateway.

10.4.2 | IHE ITI-38 | Cross Gateway Query | ITI-38 examples | ITI-38-response

The Initiating GtK bundles the replies of the one or more Responding GtK’s and sends this back to the XIS application originally requesting the data from the Initiation Request. A Timeline can now be built using this data in the XIS

Retrieve Document


Using the Timeline data, a request for a document can now be done from within the XIS (Consumer, connected to the Initiating GtK).

The XIS then sends this request to the Initiating GtK.

The Initiating GtK then sends a request including a SAML token to the Responding GtK where the XIS (Source, connected to the Responding GtK) is behind and the requested document is available.

10.4.3 | IHE ITI-39 | Cross Gateway Retrieve | ITI-39 examples | ITI-39-request


(see step 6) | Mitz Transacties - OTV-TR-00040


(see step 7) | Mitz Transacties - OTV-TR-00050


After the ‘closed authentication’ transaction is done, the Responding GtK retrieves the document from the XIS where this document is available and sends this back to the Initiating Gateway

10.4.3 | IHE ITI-39 | Cross Gateway Retrieve | ITI-39 examples | ITI-39-response

The Initiating Gateway on its turn returns this document to the XIS from where the document is requested from.

Streaming Images


the WADO-WS transaction can be used by a Requesting GtK to retrieve DICOM images in a different format and resolution.

10.3.6 | Twiin-06 | WADO-WS


The images are sent back in the requested format

10.3.6 | Twiin-06 | WADO-WS

Retrieving Images


It is also possible the request is done for images instead of documents. Prior to this transaction a KOS object is retrieved using steps 9-12. Using the information in the retrieved KOS object images can be requested.

10.4.6 | IHE RAD-75 | Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set | RAD-75 examples | RAD-75-request


The images are sent back 10.4.6 | IHE RAD-75 | Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set | RAD-75 examples | RAD-75-response

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